How do I set up a Direct Debit?

  • Last updated on July 5, 2024 at 2:02 PM

We offer Direct Debits on all of our GBP accounts and on EUR accounts with a BE or FR account number.

To set up a direct debit on your account, all you need to do is share your account details with the person or place you want to set up the Direct Debit with. You can find these details by tapping Account Details in the main menu of your app, right under your balance.

Once your Direct Debit has been set up, you’ll be able to see it in your app under the Direct Debits menu. You’ll be able to cancel it there too – find out how here.

If your Direct Debit doesn’t get set up properly, there are a few reasons this might happen:

  • You haven’t given the merchant the right account details

  • There's an issue on the merchant’s side

  • The merchant wasn’t able to check your credit history or borrowing ability, and so they declined your request to set up a Direct Debit (in this case, you could try another merchant)

You’ll always need to set up your Direct Debits electronically through your Monese app, and we won’t accept any that are set up through paper mandates.

You can read more about Direct Debits on our blog (here).